The Washington Post just reported that a friend of OJ Simpson believes he may be willing to confess to the 1994 murders after he is released from prison for unrelated crimes (possibly as early as 2017).
Everyone who is old enough to remember 1994 has a story about OJ Simpson. Maybe they saw the infamous white Bronco chase through Los Angeles, or saw one of the several TV movies or shows on the trial. Some even make reference to the “Dancing Itos” from time to time. (Just check YouTube and be amazed.)
Then there was the catch phrases: “If the glove don’t fit, you must acquit.” There was the closing argument from Johnnie Cochran, which is now called the “Chewbacca Defense” or a strategy that involves confusing the hell out of the jury rather than try to refute the opposition’s claims.
For me, I remember them announcing the verdict on the loudspeaker at school. Keep in mind, this was a middle school, 6th grade for me. Truly, the OJ trial was a cultural event. With the jury deciding the verdict in only two hours (an almost certain indication they plan to convict), everyone thought it was a done deal. The “not guilty” verdict was about as shocking as they come.
Many think the jury was simply starstruck with Simpson. Perhaps. Others believe Simpson was found not guilty because no one could trust the proven racist LAPD officers involved. The list of mistakes and embarrassments for the prosecution went on from there. Turning the trial into a referendum on the then bubbling culture war essentially decimated the state’s case.
Will OJ finally confess? Well he’s had more than enough chances to do so in the past. So it will probably take a sincere and profound sense of remorse for him to decide to do so now. But, as they say, where there’s life, there’s hope.